At the foot of the Bodhi tree,
beautifully seated, peaceful and smiling,
the living source of understanding and compassion,
to the Buddha I go for refuge.
The path of mindful living,
leading to healing, joy, and enlightenment,
the way of peace,
to the Dhamma I go for refuge.
The loving and supportive community of practice,
realizing harmony, awareness, and liberation,
to the Sangha I go for refuge.
I am aware that the Three Gems are within my heart.
I vow to realize them.
I vow to practice mindful breathing and smiling,
looking deeply into things.
I vow to understand living beings and their suffering,
to cultivate compassion and loving kindness,
and to practice joy and equanimity.
I vow to offer joy to one person in the morning
and to help relive the grief of one person in the afternoon.
I vow to live simply and sanely,
content with just a few possessions,
and to keep my body healthy.
I vow to let go of all worry and anxiety in order to be light and free
I am aware that I owe so much to my parents, teachers, friends and all beings.
I vow to be worthy of their trust,
to practice wholeheartedly,
so that understanding and compassion will flower,
and I can help living beings
be free from their suffering.
May the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha support my efforts.
beautifully seated, peaceful and smiling,
the living source of understanding and compassion,
to the Buddha I go for refuge.
The path of mindful living,
leading to healing, joy, and enlightenment,
the way of peace,
to the Dhamma I go for refuge.
The loving and supportive community of practice,
realizing harmony, awareness, and liberation,
to the Sangha I go for refuge.
I am aware that the Three Gems are within my heart.
I vow to realize them.
I vow to practice mindful breathing and smiling,
looking deeply into things.
I vow to understand living beings and their suffering,
to cultivate compassion and loving kindness,
and to practice joy and equanimity.
I vow to offer joy to one person in the morning
and to help relive the grief of one person in the afternoon.
I vow to live simply and sanely,
content with just a few possessions,
and to keep my body healthy.
I vow to let go of all worry and anxiety in order to be light and free
I am aware that I owe so much to my parents, teachers, friends and all beings.
I vow to be worthy of their trust,
to practice wholeheartedly,
so that understanding and compassion will flower,
and I can help living beings
be free from their suffering.
May the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha support my efforts.
--Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh --
3 opmerkingen:
"Each moment is a chance
for us to make peace
with the world.
to make peace possible
for the world,
to make happiness
possible for
the world"
- Thich Nhat Hanh
beautiful new blog.
I start and end my day here.
I take refuge here and honor
what is shared here.....
It is like stumbling across a Hidden Secret Spring...
so beautiful.
a gift.
i surfed over here from "watergatesummer" and was very glad that enigma posted a link...this philosophy interests me greatly and i appreciate having a reference for something that i've never really thought deeply about...even though i acknowledge the existence of a higher power, i don't really know what it is and i enjoy the opportunity to think about your posts with that in mind...keep up the good work!
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